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Unlike Public Cord Blood Banking, Private Cord Blood Banking allows you to retain ownership over your Baby's Cord Blood.


930 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451


"For nearly 20 years, ViaCord's mission has been to provide the highest quality stem cell preservation service and care to our patients, families, and their physicians. We believe these words are much more than just a promise. They are the commitment we live by." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood

​ says...


Banking Cord Blood and Cord Tissue with ViaCord

With such an important investment in your family’s future, you want to make the right choice.

As an industry leader for 25 years and part of a global healthcare company, PerkinElmer, ViaCord offers families: confidence and trust, proven quality and innovation.

Our service is rooted in the highest accredited standards of quality and practice but driven by something far more personal—the promise of your family’s future health.   


Our approach is simple...

Apply the most advanced science to deliver the highest-quality stem cell collection and storage process in order to achieve the best results for families.


Treatment Experience

Using cord blood


Collection & Transport


See how easy it is


Processing & Storage


Learn how we do it


Whole Genome Sequencing


See how it works


Helping those who need it most.

ViaCord's Sibling Connection Program

ViaCord's Sibling Connection program may be available to any expectant family with a child who has an established diagnosis that is currently treatable with a sibling cord blood transplant.

Learn more about our Sibling Connection program





921 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 9810


"Evercord uses the laboratory of the public bank BloodworksNW. The laboratory was founded in 1944, has been banking cord blood for 20 years, has released over 1,000 cord blood units for transplant to more than 100 hospitals around the world, and is accredited by AABB." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Cord Blood Registry

611 Gateway Blvd (Suite 820) South
San Francisco, CA 94080


Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) is the world's largest newborn stem cell company. CBR is dedicated to advancing the clinical application of newborn stem cells by partnering with leading research institutions to establish FDA-regulated clinical trials, requiring CBR processed cord blood, for conditions that have no cure today." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



700 Brooker Creek Blvd.
Oldsmar FL 34677


Cryo-Cell International, the world's first family cord blood bank, provides premier cord blood stem cell cryopreservation service. Cryo-Cell acquired the CORD:USE public bank in June 2018 and continues to operate their network of cord blood donation hospitals." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


New England Cord Blood Bank

500 Donald J. Lynch Blvd.
Marlborough, MA 01752


New England Cord Blood Bank (NECBB), an affiliate of New England Cryogenic Center, is a private, family owned and operated cord blood bank. As pioneers in the industry with over 40 years of experience, NECBB is recognized as a global leader in the cryopreservation of cord blood and umbilical cord tissue serving countries worldwide." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



45 Horsehill Road
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927


LifebankUSA seeks mothers in NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY ONLY who will donate both their cord blood and their placenta. The donations support an international registry, clinical trials and research.  Donations can be taken from any hospital, but mothers must register at least 8 weeks prior to delivery and pass a health screening." - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



13800 Live Oak Ave.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706


StemCyte is a global cord blood therapeutics company.  StemCyte participates in the US network of public cord blood banks operated by Be The Match. In addition, StemCyte operates the National Cord Blood Bank of Taiwan, whose units are also listed with Be The Match. BloodworksNW 921 Terry Avenue., Seattle Bloodworks Northwest (formerly Puget Sound Blood Center) collects cord blood donations directly in Washington state, and also receives donations from Hawaii. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



75 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60611


MiracleCord is a family cord blood bank with laboratory facilities that are AABB-accredited for both cord blood and cord tissue banking. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



11915 La Grange Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90025


FamilyCord is a physician-founded leader in cord blood and cord tissue banking that is guided by the highest scientific and ethical standards. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



139 Fulton St #707

New York, NY 10038


Maze Cord Blood Laboratories

2975 Westchester Avenue,

Purchase, NY 10577


MAZE is not AABB-accredited, they are a marketing company that sub-contracts to the AABB accredited laboratory at Community Blood Services in Montvale, NJ. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



1777 Northeast Expressway NE Suite 180 Atlanta, GA 30329


Atlanta Celebration Stem Cell Centre

3495 South Mercy Rd.

Gilbert, AZ 85297


The Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC), offers both public donation and private "family banking" of umbilical cord blood.  All cord blood collections are processed according to the highest standards in the industry in a new, state-of-the art facility located in Gilbert, Arizona.  The public cord blood donation program is funded by the private "family banking" program and private philanthropy. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Cleveland Cord Blood Center

25001 Emery Rd #150

Warrensville Heights, OH 44128


Abraham J. & Phyllis Katz Cord Blood Foundation d.b.a. Cleveland Cord Blood Center collects donations in Cleveland and Atlanta. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



12705 E. Montview Blvd, Suite 250, Aurora


ClinImmune Labs is an academic-based biotechnology company that processes cord blood donations for the University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank and the St. Louis Cord Blood Bank. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Cord For Life

270 Northlake Boulevard, Altamonte Springs FL 32701


Cord for Life accepts NATIONAL MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Mothers must register by week 34 of pregnancy. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



1533 E. Northfield Dr.,46112 , Brownsburg


CryoCyte is a service of Cryopoint LLC biorepository. CryoCyte has been privately banking cord blood for over 12 years. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Family Link

231 East Chestnut Street 

Louisville, KY 40202


Family Link is a program of Norton Healthcare, a not-for-profit organization which operates dozens of hospitals throughout Kentucky and Southern Indiana.   The cord blood banking program only accepts clients within a 4 hour driving distance of metro Louisville.  Their lab is based at Norton Children's Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Gencure: Texas Cord Blood Bank

First Park Ten Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78213


Cord Blood Bank is a division of the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, and since 2014 is affiliated with GenCure. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Michigan Blood

1036 Fuller NE. PO Box 1704, Grand Rapids Michigan

Michigan Blood mails the cord blood donation kit to the expectant mother but only accepts collections from deliveries at selected hospitals. 
" - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood



10100 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N.
Saint Petersburg, FL


OneBlood was born from the merger of three major Florida blood centers in Jan 2012. OneBlood serves the blood transfusion needs of about 80% of Florida's population and is the nation's third largest blood program.



185 Technology Drive,CA 92618


Irvine PacifiCord, a family cord blood bank in Irvine, CA, uses optimal processing and storage technology for long-term cord blood stem cell cryopreservation. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


San Diego Cord Blood Bank

3636 Gateway Center Avenue., San Diego


The San Diego Cord Blood Bank has received funding from the California Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program (UCBCP) that enables them to  collect donations. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Stem Cell Cryobank

10301 Hagen Ranch Road,FL 33437


Boynton Beach Stem Cell Cryobank is an AABB accredited & FDA registered facility that processes and stores cord blood and adult stem cells since 2003. The Stem Cell Cryobank is affiliated with the South Florida Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant Institute ( " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood


Montvale Vitalant

102 Chestnut Ridge Road

Montvale, NJ 07645


Montvale Vitalant New Jersey (formerly Community Blood Services) can accept cord blood donations without pre-registration at participating hospitals that have on-site staff.  Donations are also accepted from certain hospitals via partnerships with local charities. " - Parents  Guide  to Cord Blood

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Bank Discount
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