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What is Core Blood?I think you mean "Cord Blood". The "Cord" in "Cord Blood" is short for umbilical cord. Cord blood (umbilical cord blood) is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilicalcord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells, which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders.
What is Cord Blood?
What is a Cord Blood Bank?A Cord Blood Bank is a facility that stores umbilical cord blood. There are two main types of Cord Blood Banks: Private "Familiy" Cord Blood Banks, which charge a fee for storage, and Public Cord Blood Banks, which accept donations and do not charge for storage-- but you give up the rights to use your baby's cord blood in the future. We know this is a serious decision for your family to make. Read more about Private Cord Blood Banks and Public Cord Blood Banks before you make your decision. You can also read Reviews about specific Cord Blood Banks or Cord Blood Banking in general. The Pros and Cons of Cord Blood Banking are not something you should be afraid of investigating. If you have any more questions, you can continue to Browse our Frequently Asked Questions, Contact Us, or Search for Cord Bood Banking options near you.
How does Cord Blood Banking Work?
Where is a Cord Blood Bank Near Me?Visit our Map + List of Public and Private Cord Blood Banks as well as Hospitals that accept Cord Blood Donations and provide Cord Blood Storage.
Are Cord Blood Stem Cells different from other Stem Cells?Yes. Cord blood stem cells are biologically younger and are more flexible compared to adult stem cells from other sources like bone marrow. When saved, they have unique qualities and advantages: Less risk of complications when used in transplants Ability to use one’s own stem cells for conditions that currently lack medical treatment options, also known as “autologous transplantation” Immediately available and can minimize disease progression in early treatment Preserving them “stops the clock” and protects the cells from aging and being exposed to environmental factors and common viruses that can decrease their function Stem cells can heal the body, promote recovery, and offer an enormous amount of therapeutic potential. Cord blood stem cells are not embryonic stem cells and are not controversial. Source: #CordBlood #CordBloodBanking #FAQ
What are Stem Cells?Stem cells are the body’s “master cells” because they are the building blocks of organ tissues, blood, and the immune system. Stem cells from bone marrow were first used to regenerate blood and immune cells for patients who had received chemotherapy for cancer. In the late 1980s, doctors started using cord blood stem cells to treat diseases that had previously been treated with bone marrow transplantation. Today, cord blood stem cells are successfully being used to save lives. They also are being researched in an exciting new area of medicine called regenerative medicine, where scientists are studying the use of cord blood stem cells in experimental treatments for conditions like brain injury and acquired hearing loss. Source:
Why are there Stem Cells in the Umbilical Cord?Stem cells are found throughout the body, but in larger numbers in the blood system. Stress on the body can cause even more stem cells to circulate in the blood, and birth is a very stressful event for a newborn. Once the baby is born, the blood that remains in the umbilical cord still contains a “reservoir” of stem-cell rich blood that can be easily collected without risk to the newborn or mother.
What's the difference between Cord Blood and Cord Blood Tissue?There are two primary types of newborn stem cells that have the potential to be used for different treatments: hematopoietic (he•ma•to•poi•et•ic) and mesenchymal (mes•en•chy•mal). Hematopoietic stem cells are blood-forming cells with the ability to self-renew. Mesenchymal stem cells can form bone, cartilage, and tissue cells and are predominantly found in the cord tissue. Cord blood predominantly contains hematopoietic stem cells and cord tissue primarily contains mesenchymal stem cells.
Should I save Cord Blood for all of my children?Yes. Saving cord blood for each child gives your family more options because: Each child has access to his or her own genetically unique cells. Your baby may use the stem cells for a number of diseases, however, not generally for inherited genetic conditions. In those cases, a matched sibling’s stem cells would be the first choice. For experimental regenerative medicine therapies that use cord blood, the child’s own stem cells are currently required. There is increased likelihood that a family member in need will have access to a related source of cord blood for treatment. Expecting identical twins? It is still important to save cord blood for each child as it is extremely difficult to determine if twins are indeed identical. Each child’s cord blood is banked separately. Source:
Can my child use their Cord Blood?Thousands of autologous stem cell transplants – those using one’s own stem cells from cord blood, bone marrow, and peripheral blood – are performed every year. Autologous (using one’s own stem cells) transplants are performed for diseases such as: Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, severe aplastic anemia, myeloma, Ewing’s sarcoma, neuroblastoma, brain tumors, and other solid tumors. Research from the Journal of Clinical Oncology reports that even with early-onset disease (within 12 months of birth), the child’s stem cells are viable for use in transplantation. In the study, an autologous stem cell treatment for infants with acute leukemia was just as successful as a sibling transplant. Autologous cord blood stem cells have many advantages as a stem cell source, including no risk of graft vs. host disease (a leading cause of death for transplant patients). In addition, like all saved cord blood, it is available quickly and the stem cells have a low risk of having been affected by environmental damage or viruses. Experimental treatments with cord blood focus on regenerative medicine – where doctors study the use of stem cells to repair damaged tissues and organs in the body. Currently, for these applications, a child’s own cord blood is required. However, there are certain medical conditions that would not use autologous stem cells: Genetic Diseases: Cord blood stem cells may not be usable if the donating child has certain genetic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia. However, gene therapy, which uses the child’s own stem cells to deliver the corrected genetic element is being investigated. Gene therapy is still experimental and may never become clinically available. Certain Cancers: In earlier years of life, doctors may choose to not use a child’s own stem cells for treatment of certain cancers such as leukemia, due to the concern that an early onset may indicate a genetic component. However, if the cancer occurs later in life, the child’s cord blood stem cells may be preferable to their own adult stem cells collected during remission from the cancer. This is because of the risk of residual tumor cells in the adult stem cells, which may cause relapse. In cases in which autologous stem cells cannot be used, a matched sibling’s cord blood is the next best option, which is one of the key reasons why it is important to bank cord blood for each child in the family. Source:
Who can use my baby's Cord Blood Stem Cells?Any family member who is a suitable match may be able to use your baby’s cord blood stem cells for transplant medicine. Siblings are the most likely to be compatible matches, with 25% of these cases offering a perfect match. It is less likely that other family members will be a sufficient match, and there is no guarantee that an adequate stem cell match will be found for any given patient. Your baby will always be a perfect match to his or her own stem cells and may use them for a number of diseases, however, not generally for inherited genetic conditions. In those cases, a matched sibling’s stem cells would be the first choice.
What is the likliehood that we will need my baby's Cord Blood?The use of cord blood has increased significantly in the past 15 years. As uses expand, so does the likelihood that the stem cells may be needed by a member of your family. Based on the most recent data, the likelihood of needing a stem cell transplant from any source is: 1 in 217 – for an individual (by age 70), using his or her own stem cells or someone else’s However, this data does not reflect potential therapies using stem cells that may be developed in the future. Currently, there are more than 30 FDA-regulated clinical trials researching medical uses for cord blood stem cells, including studies for cerebral palsy, brain injury, juvenile diabetes, and hearing loss.
Why do families choose to collect and store their babies cord blood?Banking may give families a powerful resource against injuries and diseases that can occur in the future. Every month, thousands of new parents, a number of them doctors, nurses, and scientists, store their newborn’s stem cells with CBR. Some of the important reasons to save cord blood include the following: Cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which are used in transplant medicine to treat many life-threatening diseases, such as leukemia and other cancers. As with other medical procedures, therapies using cord blood may involve risk, which should be discussed with a physician. Cord blood is being evaluated today for its ability to treat cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, acquired hearing loss, and juvenile diabetes. Your baby’s cord blood is available for your family if needed for treatment, without the need for painful and potentially time-consuming bone marrow harvest surgery. Early treatment can minimize disease progression. If ever required for a transplant, using your own family’s cord blood instead of an unrelated donor’s can have significant advantages, including fewer complications and improved medical outcomes Current clinical trials in the U.S. that use cord blood require the child’s own stem cells Having a family history of disease Having a baby of an ethnic minority or mixed ethnicity, in which there is greater difficulty finding stem cell donors Adopting a newborn and wanting a valuable source of stem cells genetically identical to the adopted baby It is important to know that, for certain inherited genetic conditions, the child’s own cord blood may not be used; in those cases, a matched sibling’s stem cells would be the first choice. There is no guarantee that an adequate stem cell match will be found for any given patient.
What are my options for saving my baby's Cord Blood?You have two options to save your baby’s cord blood: Family banking: Your baby’s cord blood is stored for a fee for exclusive use by your family. Newborn Possibilities Program®: CBR offers cord blood and cord tissue collection, processing and storage at no cost for five years when a family member has been diagnosed with a condition that can be treated with stem cells. Public donation: Your baby’s cord blood is donated anonymously for potential use by a patient who needs a transplant. You must give birth in a participating hospital. If you choose not to family bank or donate, your baby’s cord blood is discarded at the hospital.
If someone in my family needs a transplant could we find a donated sample from a public bank?Possibly. However, if a patient is in need of a transplant, the physician will look first for a suitable stem cell donor within the patient’s family. Using cord blood from your own family has advantages for treating cancers and blood disorders. Matched cord blood from within your own family can result in: Fewer complications Improved medical outcomes Additionally, saving cord blood for all of your children is important for participation in current clinical trials, for which the child’s own cord blood is required. There is no guarantee that an adequate stem cell match will be found in either a public bank or within your family. Source:
How are cord tissue stem cells being researched for use in medical treatments?Stem cells from cord tissue have demonstrated the power to heal spinal cord, brain, and cartilage injuries in laboratory studies. This research is now beginning to move into clinical trials. It is at an early stage and medical treatments may never be developed. Source:
Are there current uses for cord blood stem cells?Banking cord blood can change or even save a life. Cord blood stem cells have certain advantages over bone marrow stem cells in transplant, and have been used for 20 years to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases and disorders. Today stem cell therapies continue to evolve, bringing new hope to patients and their families. Below are just a few diseases and disorders that have been treated with cord blood stem cells. If you have stem cell treatment questions, please click here to request more information. Cancer Acute Leukemia Chronic Leukemia High-Risk Solid Tumors Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Myelodysplastic Syndromes Blood Disorders Aplastic Anemia Beta Thalassemia Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Fanconi Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Immune Disorders Chronic Granulomatous Disease Hystiocytic Disorders Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Metabolic Disorders Krabbe Disease Hurler Syndrome Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Sanfilippo Syndrome Saving or donating cord blood stem cells makes them available to treat diseases like those listed above. For inherited genetic conditions, the child may not be able to use his or her own stem cells. In these cases, a matched sibling’s stem cells would be the first choice. Only family banking also offers access to current regenerative medicine clinical trials in autism, cerebral palsy, and pediatric stroke. Source:
How many people have used their cord blood sample from CBR?CBR has more experience providing cord blood for use in treatment than any other family bank. To date, we have released more than 450+ samples for families to use. All of the cord blood units released for client use have been viable — the ultimate validation of our processing and storage methods. Source:
Is Cord Blood being used in medical treatments?Over the past 20 years, cord blood stem cells have been used in 30,000 transplants to treat many life-threatening diseases, such as leukemia and other cancers. In transplant medicine, a patient generally will undergo chemotherapy and then receive an infusion of cord blood stem cells to create a healthy blood and immune system. In addition, a new field, called regenerative medicine, is evaluating cord blood stem cells’ ability to help repair and replace cells that have been damaged by disease or injury. These are conditions that have no cure today, such as autism, cerebral palsy, and pediatric stroke. These therapies are still experimental and there is no guarantee that treatments will be available.
Who owns my baby's banked newborn stem cells?Your baby’s banked stem cells belong to your baby. As your baby’s legal guardian, you act on your baby’s behalf in deciding what to do with the stem cells until the child turns 18 years old. After the child is 18 years old, only he or she can decide what to do with the cells. If you terminate the storage contract with your Private Blood Cord Bank before the child turns 18, you are deciding that it is your child’s best interests to not save these stem cells anymore. In such case, the Private Blood Cord Bank will own the sample. If you terminate the storage contract after the child turns 18, we will attempt to contact the child for instruction on whether to terminate the account. Source:
What is Delayed Cord Clamping?
What does AABB accreditation mean?AABB publishes voluntary standards for cellular therapy product services, including cord blood banking. These standards augment, rather than replace, any federal or state requirements. The standards describe the minimum acceptable requirements for facilities providing these services. These stringent standards cover all aspects of operation, including: A process for approval of vendors providing supplies. The consenting, donor screening and collection process. Product qualification, testing, processing, storage and release. Equipment and facility maintenance. A process for personnel selection and training. A process to monitor and improve quality of services. While the AABB standards cover these items, it should be noted that the standards require a framework, plan and system for each item. The system includes written policies, processes and procedures. Except in a few cases such as testing for infectious diseases, the standards do not specifically prescribe how each of these may be done. The process is analogous to baking a cake. AABB would require a recipe, the proper materials, and a beautiful, iced, tasty cake at the end of the process. AABB would not specify which brand of eggs to use and whether a boxed cake mix might also be acceptable. When a facility believes it complies with these standards, it applies foraccreditation by AABB. This involves a detailed and lengthy application process. The facility is then assessed by an objective team with experience in the cord blood field. Any evidence the team finds of non-compliance with the standards is brought to the attention of the bank, and corrective action must be taken before accreditation is granted. Accreditation is then granted for two years. AABB tracks customer complaints and follows up on any reported deficiencies. Only cord blood banks with a current accreditation have permission to use the AABB logo, and AABB investigates reports of misrepresentation or fraudulent use once the misuse is brought to its attention. Source:
How long can Cord Blood be stored?No one knows for sure the shelf life of cord blood. Successful bone marrow transplants have been reported with products stored for more than 10 years, though the final expiration date for such products has not been established. Published studies indicate that UCB stem cells cryopreserved for 21-23.5 years have manifested biologic qualities equal to those at the time they were frozen. AABB requires stability studies so that facilities can begin to collect this data. Source:
How much does Cord Blood Banking Cost?Public Cord Blood Banking is Free. Private "Family" Cord Blood Banking ranges in price. Above is a video from Cord Blood Registry, one of the largest Cord Blood Banks in the United States.
Are there risks with Cord Blood Stem Cell collection?Like any medical procedure, newborn stem cell treatments may involve risks, which should be discussed with your doctor. Ultimate use of newborn stem cells will be determined by your treating physician.
Is Cord Blood collection safe for my baby?Cord blood collection is painless, easy, and safe for both mother and newborn. The cord blood is collected after your baby is born and the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut. The cord blood being collected is blood that would normally be discarded after birth. Your caregiver will not alter the normal birthing process in any way, except to collect your baby’s cord blood. Cord blood collection can take place after a vaginal or C-section birth and collection can still be performed after delayed clamping.
What is cord tissue?Cord tissue is your baby’s umbilical cord, which contains mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can form connective tissues such as bone, cartilage, and tendon, and have unique properties that make them promising for cellular therapies. Studies are evaluating cord tissue stem cells as possible treatments for many injuries and diseases. Source:
Can I get a sample from a public bank?When you donate for public use, if the sample is eligible and stored, the cord blood may be available to any patient who needs a transplant, so you cannot assume that it will be available for your family if ever needed. For families to make an informed decision, it is important to understand that not all donated samples are banked. As many as 71% of donations may be rejected by public banks based on family medical history, maternal medical history, collection volume, and examination of the maternal blood sample. Private banking helps ensure that your baby’s cord blood is saved and available for your family if ever needed. If someone in your family needs stem cells, the most important considerations are: Quality of the sample – Collected, processed, and stored so that sterility and stem cell count are optimized. Matching donor – Stem cells from a matched relative (preferably a sibling) are generally the best treatment option in transplant situations, such as cancers and blood disorders. For those cases, having a matched family member’s cord blood available may have significant advantages, including fewer complications, improved survival, and a better quality of life without the need for anti-rejection medications. Access to a matching sample – Many patients are unable to find a donor in the public system, especially those who belong to minority ethnic groups that are not adequately represented in public banks. There is no guarantee that a matched sample will be available in a public bank or within your family. As with other medical procedures, therapies using cord blood involve risk, which should be discussed with your physician. For current experimental regenerative medicine applications, the child’s own cord blood is required, so storing your baby’s cord blood in a family bank is the only option. “A patient’s best chance of finding a match is with a brother or sister.” -National Marrow Donor Program Source:
Can I donate my baby's Cord Blood to a public bank?Donating to a public bank may not be possible for several reasons: Only certain hospitals are able to collect cord blood donations, so not all families can donate. Based on requirements for the donor and cord blood donation, many families are not eligible for donation for a variety of reasons, including family health history, maternal exposure to viruses, and international travel. As many as 71% of donations may be rejected by public banks based on family medical history, maternal medical history, collection volume, and examination of the maternal blood sample. If families decide too late, they may be denied access to donating. Source:
How do I donate my baby's cord blood to a public bank?With public donation, you may be able to donate your baby’s cord blood for use by an anonymous patient in need. In 2009, the National Marrow Donor Program® facilitated more than 4,800 marrow and cord blood transplants for patients who did not have matching donors in the family. For more information about donation, visit
What are Public Cord Blood Banks?Public cord blood banks process and store UCB products for public use. The facility has a minimum volume (and cell number) it will accept. These minimums are based on what will likely be adequate for a transplant patient. Products that do not meet these or other requirements are discarded or used for research (according to the consent that was signed). Some public banks state that one-third to three-quarters of the products they receive are not adequate for a transplant for one reason or another. Since it will most likely be many years before the product is used, a very thorough medical history and screening is performed on the mother. A family history must also be included to reduce the risk of conferring a genetic disorder through the transplant product. Blood samples from the mother and product are required for a variety of tests, including infectious disease testing and tests for the detection of contamination by bacteria. All information regarding the donating family is maintained in strict confidentiality. Each person has a unique tissue or Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) type. Likewise, each UCB donation is a unique combination of the donor’s parents. Each UCB unit is HLA-typed and its cellular contents characterized. This information is entered into a database so that physicians will have access to it when looking for a patient “match.” These products are available to anyone who needs them and are not set aside for the specific use of the donor or the donor’s family members. Public cord blood banks do not charge a fee to the donor and recover their costs by charging the patient (or insurance) a fee when the unit is used. Unfortunately, not every hospital is associated with a public bank, so not every donor may be able to participate. The U.S. Congress has passed legislation allocating resources for a national cord blood inventory program. One purpose of this legislation is to increase the number and diversity of cord blood products available to the public. Minority populations are significantly underrepresented in the public inventory, so patients from a minority population may have more difficulty finding a matched cord blood unit.
What are Private Cord Blood Banks?Private banks process and store the UCB product specifically for the donor and/or family. Since the bank may not be associated with a particular hospital, the mother is sent a collection kit to give the health care provider on the day of delivery. The kit contains the collection bag, labels and other materials needed for collection and shipping to the processing facility. The parent(s) pay an initial processing fee and then typically an annual storage fee. The details of this arrangement, including transport, shipping responsibilities, ownership and liability issues, should be described in the contract between the donor and bank. Since the product is intended only for use within the family, donor screening, tissue typing and other tests may or may not be performed on the unit. These policies vary among private banks. It is important to note that units stored in a private bank cannot be “crossed over” for public use unless all of the consent process, screening, infectious disease testing, and tissue typing are complete and acceptable. The cord blood bank should be able to provide a report with laboratory data for any test results as well as consultation on interpretation of these results.
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